Claim Impact Reduction Program

Published September 19, 2024 By Julia Bowling, Program Manager, Sedgwick

The Claim Impact Reduction Program (CIRP) is a voluntary program that employers may participate in to limit the impact of a single significant claim for the duration the claim remains in their experience.

To participate in CIRP, you must have a single significant claim entering your experience for the first time. A significant claim is one whose total cost exceeds the total limited losses for an employer based on size and industry calculated for that policy year. You may only designate one significant claim every four years.

Eligibility requirements

• Be enrolled in a group-rating program.
• Have a single significant claim entering into the experience for the first time that prevents the TPA from renewing the policy in group experience rating the following year.
• Not have more than three minor claims, in addition to the significant claim, during the experience period.
• Be current (no more than 45 days past due) on any and all payments due to BWC as of the application deadline.
• Be current on the payment schedule of any part-pay agreement entered into for the payment of premiums or assessments.
• Not have cumulative lapses in workers’ compensation coverage in excess of 40 days within the 12 months preceding the application deadline.
• Report actual payroll for the preceding policy year, and pay any premium due upon reconciliation of estimated premium and actual premium for that policy year no later than the application deadline.

How it works

An employer who meets all the eligibility requirements will receive the following upfront discount off the base rate:

• 20% during the first year in the program
• 15% in the second year
• 10% in the third year
• 5% in the fourth year

Application deadline and additional program requirements

Private employers - Applications due by the last business day in January preceding the policy year that starts July 1.

Public employers - Applications due by the last business day in July preceding the policy year that starts Jan. 1.

To maintain eligibility in CIRP, employers must:

• Not allow the total cost of the three minor claims to exceed their total limited losses calculated for that policy year.
• Attend a half-day class or a three-hour online class offered by our Division of Safety & Hygiene each year.
• Complete training by the deadline, for private employers the last business day of March, for public employers the last business day of September.
• Remain current on any premiums, assessments or other monies due to BWC.

You must submit an application by the application deadline for your first year in the program. BWC will determine initial and ongoing eligibility based on claims activity during the experience period. Eligible employers will be enrolled in the program automatically in years 2 through 4. BWC maintains the right to remove an employer from the program if it does not meet eligibility requirements.

If you have any questions, contact our Sedgwick program manager, Julia Bowling, or phone 513-218-4062.